combines (+ salvage 3 "help") to get fletching from 282 to 295 via the nightmarewood compound bow recipe. Yup, about 559 nightmarewood bow staffs, 1118 innovative clockwork gears (ICG's), 1118 innovative clockwork bolts (ICB's), and 1118 nightmare arachnid silks. Int was 365/375, Str 450/460, Dex 450/460 (depending if I remembered to run to neriak), and all pertinent aa's. Tons of farming by me and my "rainbow" of bots PLUS an enormous amount of help from friends, especially Hengrist the Bear, who's insatiable desire for muck and rust is beyond me.
I am disappointed, though. Yes, I know there will be new recipes with PoR, and I will soon discover that I wasted my time (although, I was determined to go the non-trophy route because, well, fletching is about making bows and arrows, not trophies). The inability to add viable recipes for non-karana worshippers/wood elves (or whoever had the easy route to 300) for a whole year is a complete slap in the face. It stings even more to have seen first hand the earth-shattering increase in saltpeter when the drop rate was increased while the ICG's and ICB's trickled in at the same old molasses-like rate. Add the fact that alchemists got a tremendously simple farming item (deepwater ink) to get to 300, and you can understand why fletchers should not be satisfied with this fiasco.
On the other hand, I did enjoy watching the bazaar prices on these items steadily creep up --- to the point where some guy thought ICG's were suddenly worth 1k each (Yeah, I chuckled). I even enjoyed arguing with some guy that I thought was ripping off people on nightmarewood bow staffs (well, ok, just me :P); the clincher was when he told me he was pricing them high so he could work on fletching himself (Have fun, sucker!!!). It was also entertaining to have my druid in PoI constantly /ooc'ing to buy the ICG's/ICB's while I was raiding. Lots of people helped nickel and dime me to those high number of components. Additionally, I got a heap of supplies for my tinkering wizard and other tinkerer friends on 7th.
Needless to say, fletching from just 282 to 295 was a lot harder than smithing 251 to 300 AND tailoring 251 to 300 (yes, even after the arctic wyvern nerf). I am hoping that when EQ does come to an end that I will have the opportunity to delete PoI and PoN forever. Oh well, off to PoW and try to get fletching to 300 w/o any PoR help.
I am disappointed, though. Yes, I know there will be new recipes with PoR, and I will soon discover that I wasted my time (although, I was determined to go the non-trophy route because, well, fletching is about making bows and arrows, not trophies). The inability to add viable recipes for non-karana worshippers/wood elves (or whoever had the easy route to 300) for a whole year is a complete slap in the face. It stings even more to have seen first hand the earth-shattering increase in saltpeter when the drop rate was increased while the ICG's and ICB's trickled in at the same old molasses-like rate. Add the fact that alchemists got a tremendously simple farming item (deepwater ink) to get to 300, and you can understand why fletchers should not be satisfied with this fiasco.
On the other hand, I did enjoy watching the bazaar prices on these items steadily creep up --- to the point where some guy thought ICG's were suddenly worth 1k each (Yeah, I chuckled). I even enjoyed arguing with some guy that I thought was ripping off people on nightmarewood bow staffs (well, ok, just me :P); the clincher was when he told me he was pricing them high so he could work on fletching himself (Have fun, sucker!!!). It was also entertaining to have my druid in PoI constantly /ooc'ing to buy the ICG's/ICB's while I was raiding. Lots of people helped nickel and dime me to those high number of components. Additionally, I got a heap of supplies for my tinkering wizard and other tinkerer friends on 7th.
Needless to say, fletching from just 282 to 295 was a lot harder than smithing 251 to 300 AND tailoring 251 to 300 (yes, even after the arctic wyvern nerf). I am hoping that when EQ does come to an end that I will have the opportunity to delete PoI and PoN forever. Oh well, off to PoW and try to get fletching to 300 w/o any PoR help.