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  • Eggs

    I need eggs; lots of eggs. I'm not a tracker -I just spent an hour running around lavastorm and found only 5 (empty) basilisks. So that seems to be a poor option. It seems that everyone that goes to the bazaar nowadays only uses eggs to make oil so that's out.

    Any suggestions?

    Did I read somewhere that snake egss are vendor stocked?

  • #2
    Mine every vendor you see...Qeynos was a goldmine for me when I was collecting but every vendor near low level areas is a potential jackpot. Some of the best that I found are right there in BB next to the GFay zone line, or in places like Oasis where snakes are abundant. If you have PoP you can hit just about every Newbie city in a few hours checking every vendor. I'd bet you'd have more than enough eggs to take you to 250.....twice.

    Now, if you you're looking to actually farm for them...No clue. :?

    Elder Talipes Vagari - 63 Hierophant
    Grand Master Baker w/GrandMaster's Baking Spoon


    • #3
      just goto the baskilisk cave in JP, kill baskilisks and loot their eggs. Their looted eggs make 15 clumps of dough.


      • #4
        I vendor farmed mine (and asked guild to forage for me when we raided ToV). Best place I found for vendors was qeynos and Tox/Erudin. Both are newbie zones with a lot of snakes and newbies sell snake eggs regularly. I would guess any newbie zone would be the same but those are the two I used. There aren't any snakes in g'fay so I would avoid looking on those merchants except that there are cin sticks and pixie dust to be found there.
        [75 Exemplar] Jenarie (Dark Elf) < Primal Brood > Test
        [65 Archon] Ariene (High Elf) Bristlebane (retired)


        • #5
          You might find some more info here
          Naeen Speedbringer
          57th Druid of Tunare
          Emarr Server


          • #6
            I did the same thing, and found that in lavastorm, the "Scorched Earth" theory works well, i killed every fire drake I could find and viola! tons of basiliks!

            I also, on a run to JP, got there right in the middle of the war, and my lowly 36 Rogue was no match for the gnolls, so I went to their silly little temple and lo and behold, every vendor there had stacks upon stack of basilik eggs. I bought 5 stacks just from there. Expensive for me, but well worth it as I'm attempting another run at HMP pretty soon. So try those gnoll caves.

            Unless you're on the Brell server, in which case I claim those caves as my own! :twisted:
            ~Turlie Silverwine~
            "Rogues do it from behind"


            • #7
              I have found most of mine in nek. killing the snakes there.. they dont make much but snakes are in abundance there..
              53 DE Vicar of Innoruuk
              Recruit Officer Forsaken Circle


              • #8
                If you don't mind Snake eggs, Paineel newbie yard has tons of snakes, and they seem to drop more eggs than most other snakes. The newbie area is also teeny tiny and virtually deserted, you can kill everything in the zone quickly for eggs. Poor yield on them, but easy to get.

