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Alchemy FAQ

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  • Alchemy FAQ

    FAQ: Alchemy

    I did not see an Alchemy FAQ in the forums, so I figured I'd start one. Suggestions and corrections are always appreciated. This draft is a bit skimpy because we don't know what effects the PoR expansion will have yet.

    Q: What is the recipe for ____ ?
    A: Visit The Alchemy Recipes Pages for all the currently-known recipes. Alternatively, type what you're looking for in the Search window on the left side of the EQTraders Home Page

    Q: I don't see any recipes there for _____ (random neat loot item). Are you sure those are all the recipes?
    A: If it's not listed on the recipes page, we don't know an Alchemy recipe for it.

    Q: The book I bought from an NPC merchant lists different ingredients for ___ than what is on the site. Which do I use?
    A: Use the recipes here. They've been field-tested and proven to work. You'll also find more recipes here than you can find in the recipe books, thanks to the dedicated experimentation of shamen on these message boards.

    Q: I've heard that having the recipe book in inventory open or some other similar urban legend, will help my skill. Is this true?
    A: No. Whichever is higher, your INT or your WIS, will help your chances at skill increases while working on items that are above your skill. (This holds true for all tradeskills.) No recipe book will make you a better alchemist. Note that since only shamen may practice Alchemy, your WIS will almost certainly be higher than your INT.

    Q: Is there a secondary Stat Check for Alchemy, like strength to smithing? Might it be DEX or AGI ??
    A: At this time there is no known secondary Stat Check for Alchemy. This was confirmed by Tanker (former SOE developer).

    Q: Where do I find all these weird ingredients anyway?
    A: Check the Trade Supplies for the Alchemy page.
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