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The Ultimate EQ Tradeskill Guide

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  • Aanuvane
    Originally posted by Corwinne View Post
    17. Cultural Part 3 - Numinous Weapon Symbols

    edit: Weapon Symbols - all types/procs are available on all kinds of weapon augs. I will someday edit the table and add a list of water types and where they can be purchased.
    These are all in the EQ Traders database with sources. You can search on Blessed Water of XXXX and get everything except for skeptic. Note however that items like Blessed Water of Below are obsolete and you're actually looking for things like Blessed Water of Brell Serilis.

    The Recipe List at is very incomplete. Once you have scribed the proper books you can simply open an appropriate tradeskill container and search "Numinous" to get a full list of recipes. They will all follow this rough pattern. If I have not finished the graph above yet you can also determine which spell affects are available to each weapon type in this way. The Blessed Waters are sold in various starting cities where you can find player races that serve that deity.
    The Numinous Weapon aug recipes have been complete in EQ Traders site since late March 2012. But, the books are required anyway, so just best to buy those and scribe them. One thing to remember when searching for recipes from scribed books though, especially all of these where most of the trivials are over 500, if you're limiting your search to 500 to 900 to find just the higher end augs, remember to set your low end on these and armors to 498. That's the lowest trivial, not 500
    Last edited by Aanuvane; 07-29-2012, 09:27 AM.

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  • Aanuvane
    Very nice and very thorough. Thanks for sharing what has worked for you.

    From what I've read through so far, a few comments:

    Tailoring - sticking to glove template recipes gives you a higher trivial than wrists at every level and still only requires two silk or one pelt. Easier to just stick with one slot as you move between levels.

    Smithing - same as tailoring, sticking to chain glove templates gives you higher trivial than wrists and chain stacks better than plate each only requires one ore. Easier to just stick with one slot as you move between ores.

    Jewelcraft -

    Originally posted by Corwinne
    Keeping Expenses to a Minimum

    1. Do not enchant metal bars. It will take much time to do this, and it will not get you any more from the vendors. Enchanting provides stat bonuses to your finished items, but they are so weak that no players will buy them. Long ago players would buy and use some of these, but not anymore. Not enchanting the metals will have no effect on your skill-up rate.
    The old "enchanted" recipes do not combine outside of the progression servers. I'm referring to the ones that are an enchanted metal bar and a standard gem. Some of the "Imbued and enchanted" recipes *may* still combine, but the other ones don't. So yes, do not enchant metal bars because they will become nearly useless IF you're planning on doing metal bar + standard gem combines. You can still use enchanted metal bars to do the new jewelcraft of the solo, duo and trio jewelry pieces or the "mid term" revision of the mounted jewelry, but again, for skilling up there are practice versions for much of the new jewelcraft that don't require enchanted bars. The trio/compartmented trio jewelry pieces can have some bazaar value for up and coming alts/twinks, but not significant.

    Weapon Symbols - all types/procs are available on all kinds of weapon augs.

    Glorious Weapons - all the recipes are in EQTC - there are a lot more as you allude to at the bottom of the post. Also, worth noting extravagant for people that are 86 - 90. Glorious is only usable 91+ The extravagant weapons are nice for folks still in that level zone.

    Side note: I don't know if you mention it or not, but in my experience the failure rate on Glorious/Numinous is pretty doggone high. I do not attempt these armors without using a Draught of the Craftsman because I'm just too stingy with my pp and get bored farming endlessly (I have 300 in all skills, 15% trophies in all skills, max salvage, all TS AAs and yes, the failure rate is still pretty high - it's REALLY high if you don't have the TS AAs as I've made armor for several friends who have the 300 skill and the 15% trophy, but don't have the TS AAs).

    Cultural Charms - Slipgear's Gem is also a slot 9/charm augment. I use slipgear and wanderlust on all my toons wearing cultural. The quest can be found here:

    Again - fantastic job!
    Last edited by Aanuvane; 05-31-2012, 08:31 AM.

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  • Corwinne
    23. Unknown

    reserving 1 more spot in case something comes up...

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  • Corwinne
    22. Reference

    post reserved

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  • Corwinne
    21. Tradeskill Mercenary Quest

    21. Tradeskill Mercenary Quest
    This is a special quest for those that have mastered the 7 basic tradeskills. The reward is an extra mercenary that you can swap to when you want. If you are not a master yet in all skills you will not be able to finish the quest. But you can get the quest and start it early if you want. You can even pre-collect all 7 items without getting the quest. Find Mercenary Captain Cecille in POK, between to Lobby entrance and the small bank. Hail her and get your task. You will be assigned to gather materials in various UF, HOT, and mostly VOA zones. There will be 6 total items representing 6 of the 7 basic tradeskills, which you then will have to perform simple combines for. When you turn in these 6 finished items you are tasked to collect one more final item for a jewelcraft combine. Warning: It is possible fail any of these combines. So make sure you are maxed in skill and have your trophy benefit applied when attempting combines.

    Edit: At some point in the recent past this quest was fixed. You can no longer get the quest until you are Master in all 7 tradeskills. You do not have to have your level 7 trophy. You can still pre-collect all 7 items.

    Collect these 7 items:
    1. Baking
    [_] Braxi Tenderloin (drop in many VOA zones)
    [_] Jug of Sauces
    [_] Rock Salt
    [_] Ground Pepper

    2. Brewing
    [_] Liquid Nightmare (drop in any HOT zone)
    [_] Barley
    [_] Water Flask
    [_] Bottle
    [_] Cork

    3. Pottery (combine alone in a kiln)
    [_] Durable Clay Mixture (hail Marius Lenn in Sarith)

    4. Smithing
    [_] Underfoot Purified Ore (drop in any? UF zone)
    [_] Smithy Hammer

    5. Fletching
    [_] Valley Wood (drop from trees in VOA valley)
    [_] Planing Tool

    6. Tailoring
    [_] Prowler Pelt (drop from roaming prowlers in Beasts' Domain)
    [_] Simple Sewing Needle
    [_] Plated Filament

    7. Jewelcraft
    [_] Triumvirate Blood Stone (rare drop from any VOA name)
    [_] Platinum Bar
    [_] Jewelers Glass
    [_] Oval Cut Tool

    All of the first 6 items are usually for sale in the bazaar, and are not usually priced too unreasonably. Like with anything else if you spend a few days watching prices you are likely to find great deals. A few items are so common now that you can get them for under 100p. The Triumvirate Blood Stone is a rare drop from any named in VOA. I am told it drops a little more commonly in T4 zones than elsewhere. I purchased mine from another player for 80k, at a time when people were asking 750k to 1 million in the bazaar.

    Reward: The extra mercenary will apply to this one character only. This is somewhat disappointing because if you purchase a mercenary slot from the Station Store it will apply to all characters on the account. Yet, I was still happy completing this quest. I did buy one mercenary slot as well. So all my characters have two mercenaries, and Cristalla has all 3 types.

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	360631
    Last edited by Corwinne; 06-16-2012, 12:40 PM.

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  • Corwinne
    20. Cultural Part 6- Glorious Charms

    20. Cultural Part 6- Glorious Charms
    The charm will improve as you equip more pieces of Glorious Cultural Armor. Since most people work to get a complete set this charm will be at its' best, and worthwhile to get.

    You must purchase and scribe "Glorious Charms" in order to perform any of these combines.

    You must complete the quest "Numinous Impressions" from your race's Cultural Questgiver in your hometown. This will yeild the charm patterns needed in the combine. This will yield multiple charm patterns, and like all the other quested pattern books it can be combined 10 times before the book is consumed. You can quest again for another book if you want to. An important note to understand is that you also get the Numinous Armor Symbol patterns from this quest (see the Numinous Armor Symbols section above).

    A person can only make charms that are usable by your own race. The charms are considered armors and follow the same rules as the Glorious armors do. Thus, me being a Half-Elf I have listed only those recipes here. Other race recipes are nearly identical to these. In the recipe example I have noted what might be different for other recipes.

    The naming convention tells exactly who can use a charm. The first part is the word "Derived/Mental/Physical/Spiritual" whick breaks downs all possible classes into 4 groups. The last word in the name breaks it down to each possible race. The word "Adaptation" refers to Half-Elf. There is a different word for each other race. See the following 4 examples.

    Glorious Charm of Derived Adaptation
    Class: PAL RNG SHD BRD BST Race: HEF
    AC: 73 HP: +1900 MANA: +1645 Endurance: +1645

    Glorious Charm of Mental Adaptation
    Class: NEC WIZ MAG ENC Race: HEF (Note: Half-Elf race has no caster classes, put here for example only)
    AC: 69 HP: +1645 MANA: +1865

    Glorious Charm of Physical Adaptation
    Class: WAR MNK ROG BER Race: HEF
    AC: 73 HP: +1900 Endurance: +1645

    Glorious Charm of Spiritual Adaptation
    AC: 72 HP: +1645 MANA: +1865
    Class: CLR DRU SHM Race: HEF

    Recipe Example:
    Glorious Charm of Spiritual Adaptation (Pottery Kiln 503)
    [_] Essence of Alaris
    [_] Exotic Marrow -or- Mysterios Loam (changes depending on class group type)
    [_] Glossy Rilsteel (Cultural Scholar Fahst in Argath, 131plat)
    [_] Symbol of Spiritual Unity (Amile Pitt POK, 5plat) <----- determines class group type
    [_] Unfired Glorious Charm (Pottery Wheel 99)
    ---Can perform these combines with quantities of 1/2/3 materials at once.
    ---[_] Water Flask
    ---[_] Small Block of Magic Clay (Pottery Wheel 21, yield 2?)
    ------[_] Water Flask
    ------[_] Large Block of Magic Clay (enchanter spell)
    ---------[_] Large Block of Clay
    ---[_] Glorious Charm Pattern (No-fail combine, Half-Elf only) <----- determines race
    ------[_] Book Binding (this is the combine container, Sansus POK, 1plat)
    ------[_] Large Bottle of Ink (Sansus POK, 41plat)
    ------[_] Quill (Sansus POK, 1silver, always returned)
    ------[_] Roll of Superb Vellum (Sansus POK, 25plat)
    ------[_] Compacted Backpack (Sequea Erthinon in Surefall Glade, 5gold)
    ------[_] Numinous Book of Half Elven Culture (Quest Reward)
    ---------This book is consumed after 10 combines.
    ---------Will yeild 20 charm patterns and 160 armor patterns.
    ---------Must complete "Quest: Numinous Impressions", Vor Westrider in North Qeynos
    ---------This is the same quest as needed to make Numinous Symbols above.

    Type 9 Augments
    All I could figure out was that the only place to get these are at the DON camps in Lavastorm, purchased with Ebon and Radiant Crystals. The stuff there isn't very good by today's standards, but it was a small addition. I ended up choosing a 20hp/20mana/+5avoidance augment, becuase I thought the 5 avoidance was better than the other +1 bonuses on augments with 30hp/mana. It certainly isn't going to get you killed if you miss adding this augment. If anyone should hear of better augments for this charm please let me know by making a reply post.

    I have since learned that your LDON Adverture Charm works in this. And so does the charm augment reward from the "Dragons, Dragons, Dragons" quest.

    Added by Aanuvane; 05-31-2012 at 08:31 AM. Cultural Charms - Slipgear's Gem is also a slot 9/charm augment. I use slipgear and wanderlust on all my toons wearing cultural. The quest can be found here:
    Last edited by Corwinne; 06-04-2012, 10:38 AM.

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  • Corwinne
    19. Cultural Part 5- Glorious Weapons

    19. Cultural Part 5- Glorious Weapons
    Anyone may make Glorious Weapons for any other class/race. There is a book for smithed weapons that must be bought and scribed. If you are buying this book you might as well buy the book for tailored weapons while you are at it. You will learn the recipes by doing this. You can find all the books from the tradeskill book vendor in Argath.

    Once you have the proper books scribed you can visit any forge and search "Glorious" for a full list of weapons and materials needed. You can do the same in a loom for a different list of weapons. Once you know the exact name you can visit and do another search for full recipes, costs, vendors, trivials, notes, etc. I did not list every recipe here, but you can be sure there is one recipe somewhere for every weapon type you could want. There is not any recipe for Shields.

    The weapon by itself isn't that good until you put a cultural augment in it. Again, just like with the armors it must be a Numinous augment. The augments usuable in previous cultural weaponry will not work with Glorious. They have descriptions in their name like Reaching (bows only) or Penetrating (piercing only) so you need to find the right one for your weapon type. They also have suffixes that describe a spell effect (if any) that they might have. It appears that each weapon type augment may have several spell effects to choose from. See the "Numinous Symbols" section above for more information.

    There are many variations in recipes among all the different weapons that could be created. Some are easy, but more of them are complicated. Of all weapons I have made so far I thought only the bow was easy and uncomplicated. I won't even try to list all the recipes here, or even just a few. Your best bet it to just search tradeskill containers for the names and rough stats, and then the full recipe at if you decide that you might like to make it.

    Glorious Infused Reflective Long Sword (Cultural Smithing 508)
    [_] Smithy Hammer (always returned)
    [_] Essence of Alaris (drop/forage, optional, removing makes uninfused)
    [_] Diamond (drop)
    [_] Mysterious Loam (drop)
    [_] Palladium Ore (drop)
    [_] Shiny Coal (262plat)
    [_] Block of Glossy Weapon Grade Ore (Cultural Scholar Fahst in Argath, 11plat)
    [_] Glorious Blade Shaped Mold (Pottery Kiln 17)
    ---[_] High Quality Firing Sheet (Elisha Dirtyshoes in N-POK, 1gold)
    ---[_] Unfired Glorious Blade Shaped Mold (Pottery wheel 283)
    ------[_] Exotic Silk (drop)
    ------[_] Blade Shaped Mold Sketch (Dalin Greskar in E-POK, 1gold)
    ------[_] 2x Large Block of Clay (Elisha Dirtyshoes in N-POK, 1gold)
    [_] Glorious Hilt Casting Mold (Pottery Kiln 17)
    ---[_] High Quality Firing Sheet (Elisha Dirtyshoes in N-POK, 1gold)
    ---[_] Unfired Glorious Hilt Casting Mold (Pottery wheel 280+)
    ------[_] Exotic Silk (drop)
    ------[_] Hilt Casting Mold Sketch (Dalin Greskar in E-POK, 1gold)
    ------[_] Large Block of Clay (Elisha Dirtyshoes in N-POK, 1gold)
    [_] Exotic Hilt Wrap (Tailoring 282)
    ---[_] Exotic Animal Pelt (drop)
    ---[_] Hickory Handled Shears (always returned, only need 1, Smithing 136)
    ------[_] Water Flask
    ------[_] Shears Mold (Smith Yahya in Crescent Reach, 78plat)
    ------[_] Hickory Bow Staff (W-POK Fletchers, 2gold)
    ------[_] Metal Bits (Smithing 18)
    ---------[_] 2xSmall Piece of Ore (W-POK smiths)
    ---------[_] Water Flask

    Glorious Infused Reinforced Barbed Mace (499 melee dps)
    [_] Smithy Hammer
    [_] Block of Glossy Weapon Grade Ore
    [_] Essence of Alaris
    [_] Mysterious Loam
    [_] Palladium Ore
    [_] Shiny Coal
    [_] Palladium Barbs(2)
    [_] Glorious Mace Head Shaped Mold
    [_] Glorious Short Haft

    Glorious Infused Hooked Hammer- cle dru shm

    Glorious Infused Recurve Bow (see the Fletching guide for full recipe)

    Last edited by Corwinne; 05-19-2012, 04:05 PM.

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  • Corwinne
    18. Cultural Part 4- Soloist Ascension Seals

    18. Cultural Part 4- Soloist Ascension Seals

    Seals add Purity and Focus Effects to your armor. They fit in the type 17 augment slot. They are removeable and reusable. Only the "Ascension" seals will work in the new Glorious Armors. In the past you could swap old augments into the next generation of cultural armor.

    You must purchase and scribe 2 books "Soloist Ascension Seal Pt. 1" and "Soloist Ascension Seal Pt. 2" from the tradeskill book vendor in Argath in order to perform these combines. You will also need to complete an easy quest only once in order to get 2000 "Seal Pattern" which is a material needed in the combines.

    The table below and the 1 recipe will be extremely useful to have printed out when you are ready to begin combines.

    [_] First, note in the table that all armors except the chest will only allow 2 to 4 different possible focus effects. The chest seal will allow any of the possible 16 focus effects to go into it. If you are making the set for yourself you should first take some time to plan what focuses you will want and where they will be placed.

    [_] Second, note from the recipe that only the template pattern decides what armor piece the unfired seal will fit into. The entire rest of the unfired seal recipe is the same.

    [_] Third, note from the recipe that changing inks and quills during the firing process is the only thing that decides what focus effect is added to the final seal. There is always going to be 1 ink, 1 ink additive, and 1 quill used. In cases where there are 2 focus effects you will use 2 of each. In the table I have noted exactly which inks and quills are used. So, now you can make any seal and add any possible focus just by using the table and 1 recipe.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	eq07 soloist ascension seal table.jpg
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    Soloist Ascension Chest Seal of the Healer (Pottery Kiln 452)
    [_] High Quality Firing Sheet
    [_] Ink Additive of the Nameless <--------- these items determine focus
    [_] Ink of Tunare <--------- these items determine focus
    [_] Quill of the Divine <--------- these items determine focus
    [_] Unfired Soloist Ascension Chest Seal (Pottery Wheel 199)
    ---[_] Chainmail Chestguard Template Pattern <-------- this item determines armor slot
    ---[_] Soloist Ascension Water (Cultural Scholar Fahst in Argath, 168plat)
    ---[_] Seal Pattern (no-fail, yield 200)
    ------[_] Book Binding (combine container, 1plat)
    ------[_] Large Bottle of Ink (42plat)
    ------[_] Quill (1 gold)
    ------[_] Roll of Superb Vellum (25plat)
    ------[_] Seals of Darkhollow (Cultural Quest NPC Reward)
    ---[_] Soloist Ascension Ceramic Clay (Pottery Wheel 311)
    ------[_] Blue Diamond Powder (Pottery Kiln 83)
    ---------[_] Blue Diamond
    ---------[_] Jar of Acid (Kanio Paerk W-POK smith, 1gold)
    ------[_] Essence of Alaris
    ------[_] Mysterious Loam
    ------[_] Vial of Purified Mana (enchanter spell)
    ---------[_] Ruby 132p (4 or 20) and Poison Vial 1.6p (1 or 5)
    ------[_] Small Block of Magic Clay (pottery Wheel, triv: 21, yield: 2)
    ---------[_] 1x Water Flask
    ---------[_] 1x Block of Magic Clay (pottery Wheel, triv: 21, yield: 2)
    ------------[_] 1x Water Flask
    ------------[_] 1x Large Block of Magic Clay (enchanter spell)
    ---------------[_] 1x Large Block of Clay
    Last edited by Corwinne; 05-19-2012, 04:28 PM.

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  • Corwinne
    17. Cultural Part 3 - Numinous Weapon Symbols

    17. Cultural Part 3 - Numinous Weapon Symbols
    These follow a slightly different naming pattern: Numinous [Weapon Type] Symbol of [Spell Effect]. An example is Numinous Vicious Symbol of Hate, which describes an augment that fits in a 1H-Slash weapon and procs a hate spell effect. Weapon augments will only fit into specific weapon types and they may have one of some/any number of possible spells effects on them. See the table below.

    They fit in the type 11 augment slot. They are removeable and reusable. Only the "Numinous" symbols will work in the new Glorious Weapons. In the past you could swap old augments into the next generation of cultural armor.

    Anyone with sufficient skill can make augments for any other race/class. You are not restricted to making items for your race only. You do NOT need to perform a quest for patterns to make Weapon symbols.

    You can choose to make Weapon symbols with either the Fletching or Jewelcraft tradeskills. Jewelcraft can make any possible recipe, but Fletching can make only the "Reaching" symbols. You must purchase and scribe "Numinous Reaching Augments for Fletchers" and/or "Numinous Reaching Augments for Jewelers" from the tradeskill book vendor in Argath. By my calculations the Fletching is cheaper by 180 platinum, but also requires one simple subcombine. You may also need to purchase "Numinous Weapon Augmenting", although this one may be only to know the recipes.

    Numinous Symbol Table
    Click image for larger version

Name:	eq06 numinous symbol table.JPG
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ID:	360632
    note: In the table above I have not determined which symbols/procs are available to the piercing and 2-H weapon types. They may all be available, or only only some are.

    edit: Weapon Symbols - all types/procs are available on all kinds of weapon augs. I will someday edit the table and add a list of water types and where they can be purchased.

    Once you have scribed the proper books you can simply open an appropriate tradeskill container and search "Numinous" to get a full list of recipes. They will all follow this rough pattern. If I have not finished the graph above yet you can also determine which spell affects are available to each weapon type in this way. The Blessed Waters are sold in various starting cities where you can find player races that serve that deity.

    Recipe Example:
    Numinous Reaching Symbol of Stillness (Fletching 499)
    [_] Planing Tool (always returned)
    [_] Blessed Water of Quellious (15.7plat) <----- determines Spell Effect
    ---(West Freeport Fania Esruc -230, -1549 in monk guild, Ashen Order)
    [_] Exotic Spinneret Fluid
    [_] Vial of Purified Mana (enchanter)
    [_] Recurve Bow Inlay (Fletching 98) <----- determines weapon type
    ---[_] Planing Tool (always returned)
    ---[_] 2 Knot Measuring String (always returned)
    ---[_] Hickory Bow Staff
    ---[_] Sullied Silk
    ---[_] Uncut Combine Star

    Numinous Reaching Symbol of Stillness (Jewelcraft 499)
    [_] Round Cut Tool (always returned)
    [_] Blessed Water of Quellious <----- determines Spell Effect
    [_] Exotic Spinneret Fluid
    [_] Vial of Purified Mana (enchanter)
    [_] Diamond <----- determines weapon type ??

    Jewelcraft Cut Tool (see Jewelcraft chapter, Cut Tools section)
    [_] Round cut Tool= Reaching (bows)
    [_] Half Moon Cut Tool= Vicious (2hand)
    [_] Trillion Cut Tool= Nimble (1hand)
    [_] Marquis Cut Tool= Penetrating (piercing)
    Last edited by Aanuvane; 09-07-2014, 07:12 AM.

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  • Corwinne
    16. Cultural Part 2- Numinous Armor Symbols

    16. Cultural Part 2- Numinous Armor Symbols

    Symbols add more stats to your armor and weapons, making them slightly better than VOA-T3 at level 91. The armor and weapons are not very good or even worth using withoiut them. This section is divided into 2 parts, one for armor and one for weapons. Each type is crafted differently.

    Numinous Armor Symbols
    These follow a naming pattern: Numionous [Armor Slot] Symbol of [Deity Adjective]. An Example is Numinous Chest Symbol of Growth. The word "Chest" in the name is obviously describing a symbol the will fit in chest armor. The word "Growth" is describing Tunare, which is the deity a character must serve to use this symbol. There is one of every deity type including Agnostic.

    They fit in the type 16 augment slot. They are removeable and reusable. Only the "Numinous" symbols will work in the new Glorious Armors. In the past you could swap old augments into the next generation of cultural armor. Anyone with sufficient skill can make augments for any other race or class.

    You can use any of 3 tradeskills to perform these combines: Smithing, Tailoring, or Tinkering. This is nice because you are more likely to have at least one of these tradeskills maxed and you can choose between them. A few obvious items will vary in the recipe between the tradeskill types.

    These recipes are very simple to craft compared to other cultural recipes.

    You must complete the quest "Numinous Impressions" from your race's Cultural Questgiver in your hometown. This will yeild the armor patterns needed in the combine. The will be multiples for each armor slot, and like all the other quested pattern books it can be combined 10 times before the book is consumed. You can quest again for another book if you want to. An important note to understand is that you also get the Cultural Charm patterns from this quest which is used to make the charms (see the cultural charm section below).

    You will also need to purchase and scribe Numinous Symbol Book(s) from the tradeskill book vendor in Argath. You will need one/all of the three books listed below.

    [_] Smithing Numinous Cultural Symbols
    [_] Tailoring Numinous Cultural Symbols
    [_] Tinkering Numinous Cultural Symbols

    Now you can perform the combine. These armor symbol recipes are NOT posted at now (March 2012). However, this is not a problem because the recipes are so simple to craft compared to other cultural, there are no subcombines. Once you have scribed the numinous symbols books you can open the tradeskill container of your choice and search "Numinous" to automatically show all the recipes. Below is an example of a tailoring combine, and some notes on how the combine will change for different tradeskills, armor slots, and deities.

    Recipe Example:
    Numinous Chest Symbol of Growth (Smithing/Tailoring/Tinkering, unknown trivial)
    [_] 1x Blessed Water of Tunare
    (will determine deity, see table under Numinous Weapon Symbols for deity/water list)
    [_] 1x Essence of Alaris
    (will not change)
    [_] 2x Exotic Silk
    (probably 1 palladium ore for smithing, can use 1 Exotic Pelt instead, unsure about tinkering)
    [_] 1x Exotic Spinneret Fluid
    (tailoring silk uses exotic spinneret fluids, tailoring pelts use exotic marrow, smithing and tinkering will use mysterious loam- double check this before collecting materials)
    [_] 1x Plated Filament
    (plated filament for tailoring, probably shiny coal for smithing, unsure about tinkering)
    [_] 1x Numinous Chest Symbol Pattern (quest)
    (will determine armor slot)
    Last edited by Corwinne; 05-19-2012, 03:18 PM.

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  • Corwinne
    15. Cultural Part 1- Glorious Armors

    VOA Cultural (6 parts)

    VOA Cultural Guide
    Part 1. Glorious Armor and Chest Emblems
    Part 2. Numinous Armor Symbols
    Part 3. Numinous Weapon Symbols
    Part 4. Soloist Ascension Seals
    Part 5. Glorious Weapons
    Part 6. Glorious Charms

    15. Cultural Part 1- Glorious Armors

    My examples below are all for my race, which is Half Elf. A character may only create cultural armor that is usable by his/her own race. The same is not true for other cultural items, only for the armors and charms. Another race's recipes would be similar and even identical for many parts as these recipes.

    The Recipes for Plate and Chain are nearly identical. The recipe for Leather is a fair amount different. If Half-Elf's had a silk class it would likely be identical to Leather, except for using Silk instead of Animal Pelts. These recipes are for the Wrist, but notes are included when to swap for all armor slots.

    The names Glorious/Numinous refers to the newest set of VOA cultural gears. The name Runeseeker refers to the race/armor tpye (Half-Elf Leather in this case). To find names of armor for you look it up from the table at this link: then search that name at to find the recipes.

    The Questgiver listed below is found in your hometown. For Half-Elf it is North Qeynos.

    You can buy and scribe the books "Tailored Armor Step XVI" and "Smithing Armor Step XVI" in Argath (435plat each) to know all the Exotic/Palladium Template recipes beforehand without the need to do 'experiment' combines.

    You can expect failure rates of about 50% average for all of the VOA Cultural items.

    Quick Trivial list:
    -[ 498 ]- Glorious Runeseeker/Wayguard/Daybreaker Armbands
    -[ 503 ]- Glorious Runeseeker/Wayguard/Daybreaker Gloves
    -[ 507 ]- Glorious Runeseeker/Wayguard/Daybreaker Helm
    -[ 512 ]- Glorious Runeseeker/Wayguard/Daybreaker Boots
    -[ 518 ]- Glorious Runeseeker/Wayguard/Daybreaker Sleeves
    -[ 523 ]- Glorious Runeseeker/Wayguard/Daybreaker Greaves
    -[ 528 ]- Glorious Runeseeker/Wayguard/Daybreaker Curaiss

    -[ 488 ]- Exotic/Palladium Leather/Plate/Chain Wristbands Template
    -[ 490 ]- Exotic/Palladium Leather/Plate/Chain Gloves Template
    -[ 492 ]- Exotic/Palladium Leather/Plate/Chain Skullcap Template
    -[ 494 ]- Exotic/Palladium Leather/Plate/Chain Sleeves Template
    -[ 496 ]- Exotic/Palladium Leather/Plate/Chain Boots Template
    -[ 498 ]- Exotic/Palladium Leather/Plate/Chain Leggings Template
    -[ 510 ]- Exotic/Palladium Leather/Plate/Chain Tunic Template

    Glorious Runeseeker Armband (cultural Tailoring 498, Half-Elf Leather)
    You must purchase and scribe "Glorious Half Elven Tailoring" in order to perform this combine.
    This must be combined in a Half Elf Sewing Kit.
    [_] Half Elf Sewing Kit (Smithing 162, in Surefall Glade Cultural Forge, only need 1 combine container)
    ---[_] Thimble Mold (W-POK Smith Vendor)
    ---[_] Needle Mold (W-POK Smith Vendor)
    ---[_] Water Flask
    ---[_] Small Brick of Rilsteel Ore (vendors in GrFay SQeynos or WFPort, 18plat)
    [_] Exotic Leather Wristband Template (Tailoring, swap in correct armor type template)
    ---[_] Exotic Animal Pelt (1 to 3 per combine, see trivial list)
    ---[_] Leather Wristband Template Pattern (W-POK Tailor Vendor, swap in correct armor type pattern)
    ---[_] Plated Filament (W-POK Tailor Vendor, 262plat)
    ---[_] Tanning Chemicals (W-POK Tailor Vendor)
    ---[_] Simple Sewing Needle (W-POK Tailor Vendor, always returned)
    [_] Exotic Marrow (drop)
    [_] Glossy Rilsteel Thread (Cultural Scholar Fahst in Argath, 131plat)
    [_] Plated Filament (W-POK Tailor Vendor, 262plat)
    [_] Water Flask
    [_] Norrathian Needle (Smithing 132, always returned)
    ---[_] Embroidering Needle (Smithing 122)
    ------[_] Celestial Essence (mixing bowl sub-combine, no-fail)
    ------[_] Metal Bits (2 small pieces of ore and 1 water flask in forge)
    ------[_] Needle Mold (W-POK Smith Vendor)
    ------[_] Water Flask
    ---[_] Thunder Essence (Brewing 122)
    ------[_] Thunder Salmon (Fished in Karana Zones)
    ------[_] Water Flask
    [_] Pattern For Half Elven Wristguards (Tailoring, no-fail, swap in correct armor type pattern)
    ---(One combine results in 20 patterns for each armor type, 40 for the wrists)
    ---[_] Compacted Backpack (Sequea Erthinon in Surefall Glade, 5gold)
    ---[_] Large Bottle of Ink (Sansus POK, 41plat)
    ---[_] Quill (Sansus POK, 1silver, always returned)
    ---[_] Roll of Plain Parchment (Sansus POK, 2plat)
    ---[_] Book Binding (this is the combine container, Sansus POK, 1plat)
    ---[_] Ancestral Half Elven Armor (Quest, Vor Westrider in North Qeynos)
    ------(this book is returned for 10 combines, then you must quest again for another book)
    ------[_] Fire Beetle Carapace (West Karana Drop, tradeable)
    ------[_] Golden Bandit Tooth (West Karana Drop, tradeable)
    ------[_] Zombie Skin (West Karana Drop, tradeable)
    ------[_] Lion Tail (West Karana Drop, No-Trade)

    Glorious Wayguard Armband (Cultural Smithing 498, Half-Elf Plate)
    ---You must purchase and scribe "Glorious Half Elven Smithing" in order to perform this combine.
    ---This must be combined in the Half Elf Cultural Forge in Surefall Glade.
    [_] Palladium Plate Bracer Template (Smithing, swap in correct armor type template)
    ---[_] Smithy Hammer (W-POK Smithing vendors, always returned)
    ---[_] Metal Tempering Chemicals (W-POK Smithing vendors)
    ---[_] Palladium Ore (1 to 3 per combine, see trivial list)
    ---[_] Shiny Coal (W-POK Smithing vendors, 262plat)
    ---[_] Plate Bracer Template Pattern (W-POK Smithing vendors, swap in correct armor type pattern)
    [_] Combine Smithy Hammer (Frannie in Surefall Glade, 10plat)
    [_] Mysterious Loam (drop)
    [_] Shiny Coal (W-POK Smithing vendors, 262plat)
    [_] Glossy Rilsteel (Cultural Scholar Fahst in Argath, 131plat)
    [_] Water Flask
    [_] Mold for Half Elven Wristguard (Pottery, No-Fail, swap in correct armor type pattern)
    ---(One combine results in 20 patterns for each armor type, 40 for the wrists)
    ---[_] Compacted Backpack (Sequea Erthinon in Surefall Glade, 5gold)
    ---[_] Huge Block of Clay (3plat)
    ------Crescent Reach Potter Subira- 2nd level, next to hut in front of Forge of Nokk
    ---[_] High Quality Firing Sheet
    ---[_] Sculpting Tools (always returned)
    ---[_] Ancestral Half Elven Armor (Quest, Vor Westrider in North Qeynos)
    ------(this book is returned for 10 combines, then you must quest again for another book)

    Glorious Daybreaker Armband (Cultural Smithing 498, Half-Elf Chain)
    ---You must purchase and scribe "Glorious Half Elven Smithing" in order to perform this combine.
    ---This must be combined in the Half Elf Cultural Forge in Surefall Glade.
    [_] Palladium Chain Bracer Template (Smithing, swap in correct armor type template)
    ---[_] Smithy Hammer (W-POK Smithing vendors, always returned)
    ---[_] Metal Tempering Chemicals (W-POK Smithing vendors)
    ---[_] Palladium Ore (1 to 3 per combine, see trivial list)
    ---[_] Shiny Coal (W-POK Smithing vendors, 262plat)
    ---[_] Chain Bracer Template Pattern (W-POK Smithing vendors, swap in correct armor type pattern)
    [_] Combine Smithy Hammer (Frannie in Surefall Glade, 10plat)
    [_] Mysterious Loam (drop)
    [_] Shiny Coal (W-POK Smithing vendors, 262plat)
    [_] Glossy Rilsteel (Cultural Scholar Fahst in Argath, 131plat)
    [_] Water Flask
    [_] Mold for Half Elven Wristguards (Pottery, No-Fail, swap in correct armor type pattern)
    ---(One combine results in 20 patterns for each armor type, 40 for the wrists)
    ---[_] Compacted Backpack (Sequea Erthinon in Surefall Glade, 5gold)
    ---[_] Huge Block of Clay (3plat)
    ------Crescent Reach Potter Subira- 2nd level, next to hut in front of Forge of Nokk
    ---[_] High Quality Firing Sheet
    ---[_] Sculpting Tools (always returned)
    ---[_] Ancestral Half Elven Armor (Quest, Vor Westrider in North Qeynos)
    ------(this book is returned for 10 combines, then you must quest again for another book)

    Cultural Chain (Drakkin Ranger/Rogue) Glorious Crystalscale
    Glorious Crystalscale Armband (Cultural Smithing 498)
    This combine may only be made by Drakkin
    You must purchase and scribe Glorious Drakkin Cultural Smithing in order to perform this combine.
    [_] •1x Palladium Chain "ArmorSlot" Template
    ---[_] 1x Smithy Hammer
    ---[_] 1x Metal Tempering Chemicals
    ---[_] 1-3x Palladium Ore
    ---[_] 1x Shiny Coal
    ---[_] 1x Chainmail "ArmorSlot" Template Pattern
    [_] •1x Glossy Crystalwing Ore (Cultural Scholar Fahst, Argath)
    [_] •1x Mysterious Loam
    [_] •1x Shiny Coal
    [_] •1x Water Flask
    [X] •1x Crystalwing Smithy Hammer (Smith Yahya, CR)
    [X] •1x Mold for Drakkin Wristguards (Pottery Kiln, No-Fail, Drakkin Only)
    ---(Yield: 20 each armor, 40 for wrist)
    ---[X] •1x High Quality Firing Sheet
    ---[X] •1x Sculpting Tools (always returned)
    ---[X] •1x Huge Block of Clay (Potter Subira, CR)
    ---[X] •1x Compacted Backpack (Smith Yahya, CR)
    ---[X] •1x Ancestral Drakkin Armor (returned for 10 combines)
    (quest from Drakkin Cultural NPC)

    Chest Emblems
    The emblem fits into the type 15 augment slot on the chest armor only. It will add stats to the chest armor. These stats will vary and improve when you have more armors equipped that match the chest armor. These are not removable and reusable, you must destroy the augment to make room for a different one. Most people work for an entire cultural set, thus making any emblem you insert the most powerful it could be starting off.

    The HOT chest emblem DOES work and add stats to Glorious armors, unlike older seals and symbols. It makes for a decent and cheap temporary emblem. At this time the VOA emblem is difficult for many to acquire. And, you must be level 95 to get it, yet you can start wearing Glorious at level 91.

    Any class can equip any type of these emblems. You do not have to follow the recommendations. And the variation of stats is small so it really won't hurt you if you have the "wrong" type. Some classes may prefer to use the wrong type. I had a ranger state to me that his offensive stats were capped, so he chose an AC/HP emblem because that was now what he needed most.

    House of Thule: 500 Dream motes (t3 access and kindly faction)
    [_] Emblem of Rallying Dreams (more AC and HP, good for tanks)
    [_] Emblem of Ambitious Dreams (more mana, good for spellcasters)
    [_] Emblem of Dreams (average stats)
    [_] Emblem of Aggresive Dreams (more ATK, good for melee dps)

    Veil of Alaris: 4 Violet Crystallized Essence (drop VOA T4 zones)
    (Task: Special Inventory, level 95 -Sholano in City of Bronze is at +300 +1300 North of main gate outside city walls.)
    [_] Emblem of Illdaera (more AC and HP, good for tanks)
    [_] Emblem of Alra (more mana, good for spellcasters)
    [_] Emblem of Oseka (average stats)
    [_] Emblem of Kolos (more ATK, good for melee dps)
    Last edited by Corwinne; 06-04-2012, 11:03 AM.

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  • Corwinne
    14. Poison Making

    14. Poison Making
    I will never be able to do this tradeskill. I do not have a rogue character to do it. I do not foresee me ever making one just for this tradeskill. You never know though, it might happen, but I do not see it now.

    If someone knows of a good guide, links, or other resources for Poisonmaking please make a reply post and I will add and credit here.
    Last edited by Corwinne; 05-16-2012, 03:57 AM.

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  • Corwinne
    13. Tinkering

    13. Tinkering

    Beginner Mechanist Test
    This is the trophy quest you get from the WFP newbie yard NPC's when you are between the skill of 50 and 99. If your skill goes higher before getting the quest you get a harder quest, in that the materials to gather and recipes to make will be harder. Since only gnomes can do tinkering, and gnome start with a Tinkering skill of 50 this should be the very first thing you do. Even if you do not complete it right away you should at least have the beginner quest in your quest log.

    You will get one of all 4 types of fireworks from each single combine. The gnomish compass requires a few simple blacksmithing combines. The only other difficult part is needing raw dark matter for the mana battery. You need to turn this into an NPC in Abysmal Sea. You may need to turn in the result a 2nd time before you get a "Grain of Dark Matter" which is the final product you need. You only need 1 raw dark matter, as it will yeild 2 from each turn-in, and you may end up with 4 final products. All dark matter is tradeable so you can probably find some in the bazaar. The battery casing is also sold in Abysmal Sea.

    Beginner Mechanist Test
    01. Create 4 Gnomish Firework
    02. Create 4 Gnomish Firework
    03. Create 4 Gnomish Firework
    04. Create 4 Gnomish Firework
    05. Create 3 Animated Bait
    06. Create 2 Collapsible Fishing Pole
    07. Create 1 Gnomish Compass
    08. Create 1 Mana Battery - Class One

    Starting Skill-Up Path
    I did not start Tinkering in a normal fashion. I had 30 minutes left on a tradeskill potion and materials for 20 cams with a trivial of 282. So, I just combined these and went from skill 50 to 173 before I used up all the materials. Had I done this normally I would have used some of the recommended recipes below. These are the same recipes I found recommended by many others.

    Flameless Lantern (Tinkering 68)
    [_] Large Lantern (multiple general vendors, 3g)
    [_] Metal Twine (se-pok 2nd floor, 1p)
    [_] Firewater (Tinkering 17)
    ---[_] Gnomish Spirits (s-pok Caden Zharik)
    ---[_] Water Flask

    Stalking Probe (Tinkering 102)
    [_] Bottle (e-pok)
    [_] 2X Gears (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
    [_] Metal Rod (se-pok 2nd floor, 8g)
    [_] Firewater (Tinkering 17)

    Powered Gloves (Tinkering 122) all vendor buyable
    [_] Gears (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
    [_] Metal Twine (se-pok 2nd floor, 1p)
    [_] Sprockets (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
    [_] Steel Lined Gloves (se-pok 2nd floor, ??p)
    [_] Firewater (Tinkering 17)

    Tinkered Catapult (Tinkering 135)
    [_] Gears (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
    [_] Metal Twine (se-pok 2nd floor, 1p)
    [_] Sprockets (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
    [_] Firewater (Tinkering 17)
    [_] Shaped Ashwood Recurve Bow (hemp) (Fletching 148)
    ---[_] Ashwood Bow Staff (W-POK fletchers, 16p)
    ---[_] Hemp Twine (W-POK fletchers, 1s)
    ---[_] Planing Tool (always returned)

    This recipe is only here because I have a decent sized stash of these. And because many tinkers will want to make the Ambleshift devices. I do not yet know if I will use any of this to skill up.

    Glowstone Fragment (Tinkering 202)
    (These are used in some or all of the Ambleshift recipes)
    [_] Glowstone
    [_] Gem Cutter (Tinkering 36,always returned)
    ---[_] Diamond Dust (drop, Sol-B and Permafrost)
    ---[_] Grease (se-pok 2nd floor, 2p)
    ---[_] Metal Fastening (se-pok 2nd floor, 16p)
    ---[_] Metal Rod (se-pok 2nd floor, 8g)
    ---[_] Standard Bow Cam (w-pok fletchers, 38p)
    ---[_] Firewater

    The Distillery recipe is here only because I wanted to make one for myself. It is one of the few portable combine containers I do not have. One for Smithing and Pottery Wheel/Kiln are also wanted when I find them..

    Collapsed Distillery (Tinkering 202, lore)
    [_] 2X Cask (e-pok brewers)
    [_] 2X Coiled Spring (PoI drop)
    [_] 2X Cork (se-pok 2nd floor)
    [_] Gnomish Bolts (se-pok 2nd floor, 3p)
    [_] Metal Rod (se-pok 2nd floor, 8g)
    [_] Sharkskin Tubing (se-pok 2nd floor, 142p)
    [_] Boot Gasket (Tailoring 202, Stackable up to 20)
    ---[_] Aligned Steel Thread (Abys or CR, 10p)
    ---[_] Severed Feran Tentacle (drop Noble's Causeway, a Stalking Feran)
    ---[_] Sewing Needle (only need 1, always returned)
    ------[_] High Quality Metal Bits(2)
    ---------[_] Small Piece of High Quality Ore(2)
    ---------[_] Water Flask
    ------[_] Steel Bits(2)
    ---------[_] File
    ---------[_] Small Brick of Steel (Surefall Glade)
    ------[_] Jar of Acid w-pok
    ------[_] Needle Mold w-pok
    ------[_] Smithy Hammer
    ------[_] Water Flask

    Common Skill-up Path
    At this point it will be time to choose a skill-up path. Following is the path again recommended by most others. Other paths are listed further below.

    Geerlok Fermentation Device (Tinkering 215, sellback 1.5p)
    [_] Ceramic Lined Still (Crescent Reach, 2p)
    [_] Cured Leather Tubing (Crescent Reach, 1p)
    [_] Porous Mineral Block (drop in Netherbian Lair)
    [_] Cork
    [_] Bottle

    The two hammer recipes below are a bit annoying. The Smithy Hammer is used as a reagent, and can even be lost on failures. To make it worse it does not stack. And neither does the final product. So depending upon how much bag space you have you will only be able to do about 40 to 100 combines before you are running around to vendors again to buy and sell. The Hammer Module recipe needs a Universal Joint from Crescent Reach whick also is not stackable.

    Geerlok Automated Hammer (Tinkering 215, sellback 14p, will not stack)
    [_] Gears (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
    [_] Gnomish Bolts (se-pok 2nd floor, 3p)
    [_] Grease (se-pok 2nd floor, 2p)
    [_] Sprockets (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
    [_] Small Piece of Acrylia
    [_] Smithy Hammer (will not stack, not returned)

    Geerlok Automated Hammer Module (Tinkering 220, sellback 14p, will not stack)
    [_] 2X Gears(2) (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
    [_] Gnomish Bolts (se-pok 2nd floor, 3p)
    [_] Grease (se-pok 2nd floor, 2p)
    [_] Sprockets (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
    [_] universal joint (will not stack, Crescent Reach Geerlok Clockwork Merchant IV, 1p)
    [_] Small Piece of Acrylia
    [_] Smithy Hammer (will not stack, not returned)

    Gulf of Gunthak: The next 4 recipes involve getting drops from various mob all found in the Gulf. The vendor purchased part can also be bought here. I have recently tried farming here for a while, and I am not crazy about the drop rates so far. It should be noted that the vendor purchased material needed for 3 of the 4 recipes are not stackable or tradable, so you will likely want to run your tinkering character to the gulf to perform combines.

    Geerlok Alchemy Set (Tinkering 222)
    [_] Gears (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
    [_] Gnomish Bolts (se-pok 2nd floor, 3p)
    [_] Sprockets (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
    [_] Set of Vials (Crescent Reach/Gulf of Gunthak, 2p)
    [_] Maneater Roots
    ---(drop Gulf of Gunthak- deep stone lotus, deep rock lotus, deep pebble lotus)

    Geerlok Automated Pestle (Tinkering 227)
    [_] Gears (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
    [_] Gnomish Bolts (se-pok 2nd floor, 3p)
    [_] Sprockets (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
    [_] Galvanized Pestle (Crescent Reach/Gulf of Gunthak, 2p)
    [_] Scorpion Venom Gland
    ---(drop Gulf of Gunthak, a broken skull scorpion)

    Geerlok Automated Quill (Tinkering 233)
    [_] Gears (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
    [_] Gnomish Bolts (se-pok 2nd floor, 3p)
    [_] Sprockets (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
    [_] Lexicon Excerpts (Crescent Reach/Gulf of Gunthak, 2p)
    [_] Silver Tipped Quill
    ---(drop Gulf of Gunthak- a savage skeletal sailor, a deadly skeletal sailor.a vicious skeleton)

    Geerlok Clockwork Contraption (Tinkering 236)
    [_] Gears (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
    [_] Gnomish Bolts (se-pok 2nd floor, 3p)
    [_] Sprockets (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
    [_] Contraption Parts (Crescent Reach/Gulf of Gunthak, 2p)
    [_] Waterlogged Rigging
    ---(drop Gulf of Gunthak- a pestilent troll zombie, a cast out survivor, various zombies

    This recipe is pretty simple and straightforward, but it involves farming or buying coiled springs. They are rarely cheap or plentiful in the bazaar for me. They can be farmed in POI at a faster rate than many other farmed items.

    Collapsed Toolkit (Tinkering 242, lore)
    [_] Coiled Spring
    [_] Metal Bits
    [_] Small Brick of High Quality Ore
    [_] Toolbox Mold
    [_] Water Flask

    Simple but requires more farming. I have never seen this item in the bazaar yet. I have not tried farming them yet.

    Mechanic Ceramic Clay (Tinkering 262)
    [_] 2X Gears (se-pok 2nd floor, 7p)
    [_] Golden Ember Powder (drop POI and Temple of Veeshan)
    [_] Small Block of Magic Clay (enchanter)
    [_] Vergalid Slave Manacles (drop Sunderock Springs, a quarry slave)

    I plan to do this, or another similar Cam recipe in the future. The annoying part of this is the Clockwork grease. They can be dropped or foraged in Fort Mech in roughly equal amounts. They can be foraged in POI in higher amounts. But, you need lots of these, which is going to take time no matter what. I do not see these for sale often in the bazaar.

    Molten Metal Bow Cam (Tinkering 283)
    (used to make Obsidianwood Compound Bow, Fletching 335)
    [_] Jar of Clockwork Grease
    ---[_] Clockwork Grease(2)
    ---[_] Small Grease Jar (Pottery 17)
    ------[_] Quality Firing Shhet
    ------[_] Unfired Small Grease Jar (Pottery 31)
    ---------[_] Block of Clay
    ---------[_] Small Grease Jar Sketch
    ---------[_] Water Flask
    [_] Molten Metal Bolts (Smithing 102)
    [_] Molten Metal Gears (Smithing 102)
    ---(one combine creates both Bolts and Gears)
    ---[_] Brick of Molten Ore (drop)
    ---[_] Cam Parts Mold (w-pok fletchers, 1p)
    ---[_] File (smithing)[B]

    Clockwork Shadowwalker/Observer or Wok (Tinkering 300)
    Intricate Autoactuated Cuirass (Tinkering 306)

    Sunshard [Dust/Pebble/Ore] Tinkering Recipes
    These three sunshard materials are quite common. Prices on my server have even come way down to buy in the bazaar. This path still requires a large up-front expense, and overall will still be expensive even after generous vendor returns at each stage. If you continue to perform more combines from your results you will be rewarded with further chances to skill up in exchange for less in vendor returns. The 3rd chance to skill will be in a different tradeskill (I noticed recipes for Fletching, Smithing, Tailoring, and Research).

    A similar pattern will follow with each category of items. You first make the conduit, and then one of 10 possible items from the conduits. The final item is then used in a different tradeskill. You do not have to continue making the 2nd or third item because at each stage the vendor will buy your products back. I definately would consider doing the 2nd step as it will have a higher trivial. Or, at least don't vendor your product until you are sure you have passed the trivial and will not ever want them anymore.

    Note the three base recipes below. Then note the example using sunshard pebbles. The bow listed in the example is probably the most expensive option of all because it uses 3 conduits, when many other recipes will use less. If you wish to follow this path for skill-ups you should look closely at all the available options that can be made after the starting items.

    It should also be noted that these first three recipes and each of the 10 recipes that come next can all be made with Jewelcraft at the same trivals. I would not recommend raising JC skill in this way, other JC recipes and many, many times cheaper.

    In the end I did do much of my skilling up using sunshard materials. I got tired of spending way too much time farming for every other recipe, and not finding items in the bazaar in large enough quantities. It was extremely expensive. The Silver Conduit Cap is now a great way for me to max out my trophy.

    Iron Conduit (Tinkering 135, buyback ??)
    (used in 10 Tinkering combines with trivials of 146-170)
    [_] Iron Ingot (Barren Coast Merchant Woad, 11p)
    [_] Sunshard Dust

    Copper Conduit (Tinkering 210, buyback 164p)
    (used in 10 Tinkering combines with trivials of 233-250)
    [_] Pure Copper Ingot (Barren Coast Merchant Woad, 182p)
    [_] Sunshard Pebble

    Silver Conduit (Tinkering 290, buyback ??)
    (used in 10 Tinkering combines with trivials of 303-330)
    [_] Pure Silver Ingot (Barren Coast Merchant Woad, 458p)
    [_] Sunshard Ore

    Shining Energeiac Bow (Fletching 255, buyback 449p)
    [_] Freetide Wood Bow Stave (Barren Coast Merchant Woad, 8p)
    [_] Silk String (W-POK fletchers, 5s)
    [_] Copper Conduit Large Core (Tinkering 250, buyback 491p)
    ---[_] Conduit Large Core Pattern (Barren Coast Merchant Woad, 1p)
    ---[_] 3X Copper Conduit (Tinkering 210, buyback 164p each)
    ------[_] Pure Copper Ingot (Barren Coast Merchant Woad, 182p)
    ------[_] Sunshard Pebble

    Cultural Symbols
    Each category below will require completing a different quest from your hometown cultural quest NPC. Because only gnomes can tinker we all will be going to visit Artisan Vidi Cogsworthy in Ak'Anon (using find is easiest way to find him). Say "symbols" to him and choose the "impressions" quest for which you wish to recieve patterns.

    Each pattern book will be combined to recieve a disenchanted bag full of patterns which you use in combines as directed below. The book can be combined a total of 10 times before it is consumed, resulting in a total of 200 patterns per armor (400 for the wrist). You can then choose to do the quest again for another book if you wish.

    Sacred is the highest you need to go as it will go just above 300. I have including the next two categories in case you also wish to do them, or possibly have more access to those materials. The progression would continue all the way up to Numinous (level 95). One quest will allow you to do 1600 total combines (200 X 8 armor slots). If you continue doing sacred symbols to max your trophy it is likely you will need to repeat the quest because only the chest pattern has a trivial above 300, which would only yeild 200 more combines.

    tip: copy/paste the table below into a notepad.txt file for proper formatting and printing.
    Tinkering Cultural Symbols Trivial Table
    | Blessed | Revered | Sacred | Eminent | Exalted | Name |
    | 84 | 155 | 275 | 355 | 395 | Wrist |
    | 92 | 160 | 280 | 360 | 400 | Glove |
    | 95 | 164 | 284 | 364 | 404 | Helm |
    | 100 | 170 | 290 | 370 | 410 | Boot |
    | 106 | 175 | 295 | 375 | 415 | Sleeve |
    | 110 | 180 | 300 | 380 | 420 | Leg |
    | 115 | 186 | 306 | 386 | 426 | Chest |
    Tinkering Cultural Symbols Recipes Table
    | Blessed | Revered | Sacred | Eminent | Exalted | Name |
    | Alkaline | Malleable | Bonded | Soluble | Alkalai | 1x Loam |
    | Thalium | Fulginate | Rhenium | Cobalt | Titanium | 1x Ore |
    | Brown | DullBlack | BlackNit | Toluene | Anthracit | 1x Coal |
    | Pattern from above | 1x Pattern |
    | Blessed Water (any kind, 16p) | 1x Water |
    | Contraption Parts (CR, 3p) | 1x Other |

    This is what you do to obtain the patterns. The recipe for each is the same except the type of vellum used. The Gnomish Culture Book is your quest reward.

    Combine in a [Book Binding] which is consumed
    [_] XXXXX Book of Gnomish Culture
    [_] Compacted Backpack
    [_] Large Bottle of Ink
    [_] Quill
    [_] Vellum Type (pick one from list)
    ---[_] Roll of Vellum (Blessed)
    ---[_] Roll of Good Quality Vellum (Revered)
    ---[_] Roll of High Quality Vellum (Sacred)
    ---[_] Roll of Superb Vellum (Eminent)
    ---[_] Roll of Superb Vellum (Exalted)
    Last edited by Corwinne; 06-29-2012, 08:50 AM.

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  • Corwinne
    12. Research

    12. Research
    This Guide is arranged into 3 parts...
    1. Introduction
    2. More Traditional Skill-Up Path
    3. Binding Powders Skill-Up Path

    ==========<[ Spell Research Introduction ]>==========
    Who can do research?
    Any class can research. However, what each class can make is limited in different ways.
    [_] INT-casters may make any spell or song.
    [_] Priests may make priest spells.
    [_] Bards may make hybrid spells, tomes, and songs.
    [_] Hybrids may make hybrid spells and tomes.
    [_] Melees may make any tomes.
    [_] Melee and INT-casters may proceed directly to 300 skill, other classes must use AAs to advance past 200.
    [_] Only INT-casters get AAs to decrease failure rate.
    [_] Only INT-casters can do Binding Powder combines.
    [_] Each of the groups above use different cantainers to perform combines.

    It seems obvious from the list above the INT-casters is the single best choice. And most people do exactly this. However, something to consider, if everyone did this who would make tomes? But after this consideration you either choose an INT-caster for any spell/song or any class that can make tomes. If you are making tomes you care only about the tomes because so many other people chose INT-casters to make everything else. My guide here has no real tips for tome-making other than you can probably do any combine in the traditional skill-up path. Do a little research first to make sure.

    This guide is focused on INT-caster research.

    If you know or think you will want to do research you should start saving a few items as soon as you can.
    [_] Saltpeter
    [_] Crystallized Sulfur
    [_] Old school research items (Runes, Words, Pages, etc.)
    [_] 1 Skinning Knife (smithing)
    [_] Binding Powders (any/all types)
    [_] Raw Animal Hides (crude, fine, runic, supple, rough, etc)
    [_] Raw Papers (paper, vellum, charta arcanum, etc)

    ==========<[ More Traditional Skill-Up Path ]>==========
    1. Train to 20 using your Guild Trainer.

    2. Quill of the Prophet (Research 35)
    [_] Divine Treatment (v1)
    [_] Necrotic Treatment (v1)
    [_] Quill (v1)

    3. Vial of Pure Water (Research 54, Yield: 5, save all these)
    [_] 5x Empty Vial (v1)
    [_] Gnomish Heat Source (v1)
    [_] 4x Water Flask (v1)

    Note: Get your Trophy Quest in WFP now. Is quite easy and fast to complete the quest at this time.

    Note: I skipped the Practice Rune combines, and skipped the early Binding Powder recipes.

    5. Oil of Vitrol (research 102, save all these)
    [_] Saltpeter (drop)
    [_] Crystallized Sulfur (drop)
    [_] Gnomish Heat Source (v1)
    [_] Vial of Pure Water (See #3)

    6. Swatches (Research 92 to 152)
    [_] Piece of Parchment (v1)
    [_] Quill (v1)
    [_] Runes, Words, Pages, etc. (long list old school research items, various trivials)

    Note: I didn't focus on just swatches, just used what I had saved up while I started to work on next item.

    7. Parchment Solution (Research 144)
    [_] Fire Emerald (v)
    [_] Gnomish Heat Source (v1)
    [_] Vial of Pure Water (See #3)
    [_] Aqua Regia (Research 102, or buy 152p)
    ---[_] Aqua Mortis (Research 102, or buy 74p)
    ------[_] Oil of Vitrol (see #5)
    ------[_] Saltpeter (drop)
    ---[_] Vial of Muriatic Acid (Research 102, or buy 78p)
    ------[_] Gnomish Heat Source (v1)
    ------[_] Oil of Vitrol (see #5)
    ------[_] Fine Salt (Research 15, stack 100, combine 1, 5, or 10 at a time)
    ---------[_] Rock Salt (v1)

    8. Fine Parchment Solution (Research 174)
    (Same as #7 above but with additional GHS and VPW, and the addition of 2 Gold Bars.)
    [_] 1x Fire Emerald (v- 89p)
    [_] 2x Gold Bar (v- 10p)
    [_] 4x Gnomish Heat Source (v1)
    [_] 2x Vial of Pure Water (See #3)
    [_] 1x Aqua Regia (Research 102, or buy 152p)
    ---[_] Aqua Mortis (Research 102, or buy 74p)
    ------[_] Oil of Vitrol (see #5)
    ------[_] Saltpeter (drop)
    ---[_] Vial of Muriatic Acid (Research 102, or buy 78p)
    ------[_] Gnomish Heat Source (v1)
    ------[_] Oil of Vitrol (see #5)
    ------[_] Fine Salt (Research 15, stack 100, combine 1/5/10 at a time)
    ---------[_] Rock Salt (v1)

    Note: Steps 7 and 8 above are a little expensive, but will use up the Oil of Vitrol and Vial of Pure Water you made prevoiusly. So, when I decided I didn't want to spend the larger amounts of money on these (you can if you want to, I stopped at 154 skill) I moved on to the Binding Powder Recipes. See the special section on these below.

    Note: You can continue Following the same pattern by using the following recipes. I chose not to because I assumed they would just get more and more expensive. A reason to consider this might be lack of materials needed in other skill paths. These recipes use all vendor sold materials. I am certain that you could continue this path to 300+ if you wanted to.

    8a. Vellum Parchment solution (Research 203)
    8b. Fine Vellum Parchment solution (Research 216)
    8c. Runic Parchment Solution (Research 243)

    Note: Here are some alternate options

    12. Alternative (TSS) to 262: Researcher Ceramic Clay (involves farming Drake Wing Webbing)
    13. Alternate to 300: Glowing Energeiac Rod

    ==========<[ Complete Binding Powder Skill Up Path ]>==========
    These can only be done by INT-caster classes.

    There are 3 parts to these combines.

    The first part is to make a spell that you scribe into your spellbook. Casting this spell creates materials for you to use in the next step of the combines. Make only ONE spell as it is no-trade and the mats can be used to make other spells later. You can skip spells that will result in trivial combines for no skill points. This path is for skill-ups only. The end result will not be very useful to yourself or others.

    I did not list the recipe to make these spells. The guide at has several errors in it. Instead look up the recipe by searching for the spell name. All the spell recipes are nearly identical with only 1 or 2 things changed. I did not list trivials either. I did list which base component is needed to make each spell so you know what to collect. If you stay at or around your skill level you will rarely fail, and you will usually (not always) only need 1 raw hide/paper.

    edit: a March 2012 patch made all the "empowering essence" spells purchasable in the Library in POK.

    Once you have the spell you can work on combines that will give you skill. The only other collected materials needed are binding powders, the rest is purchased from vendors. The combinations are rather simple and easy so you may wish to do most or all of your skill-ups on this path. How many binding powders you have is your only limitation. Note that the first two recipes do not actually use binding powders. Also note that both the subcombine and final combine will usually give you skill points.

    You could skip the 3rd part if you wanted to. Both items from the sub-combine and final combine will sell to vendor for a same small amount which increases as you advance to the next recipes. The final combine does cost more in vendor materials. But the final combine is good for 2 reasons, it has a higher trivial giving more chances for skill, and it yeilds an all/all scroll that anyone can click to cast a damage spell (stack 100, potion belt usable). I did notice (for example) that a level 40 scroll is always resisted by a level 90 enemy so if you want to use scrolls you need to make sure that scroll level more closely matches enemy level.

    Quick Trivial List
    (copy/paste this table to notepad.txt file for proper formatting and printing)
    | Binding Powder | Sub-Combine | Final Combine |
    | crude binding powder | 58 | 72 |
    | makeshift binding powder | 83 | 98 |
    | elementary binding powder | 118 | 132 |
    | modest binding powder | 152 | 167 |
    | simple binding powder | 192 | 207 |
    | binding powder | 232 | 247 |
    | refined binding powder | 272 | 287 |
    | intricate binding powder | 312 | 327 |
    | elaborate binding powder | 352 | 367 |
    | ornate binding powder | 392 | 407 |
    | runed binding powder | 432 | 447 |

    Binding Powder Recipes
    01. Primitive Scroll of Static Strike (Research 28)
    [_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
    [_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
    [_] Primitive Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 17)
    ---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
    ---[_] primitive spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
    ------[x] Spell: Focus Mass Primitive Spellcasters Essence : raw crude hide

    02. Rudimentary Scroll of Static Strike (Research 48)
    [_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
    [_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
    [_] Rudimentary Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 37)
    ---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
    ---[_] rudimentary spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
    ------[x] Spell: Focus Mass Rudimenary Spellcasters Essence : raw crude hide

    03. Crude Scroll of Static Strike (Research 72)
    [_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
    [_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
    [_] Crude Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 58)
    ---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
    ---[_] crude binding solution (v3, 1silver)
    ---[_] crude binding powder (drop)
    ---[_] crude spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
    ------[x] Spell: Focus Mass Crude Spellcasters Essence : raw rough hide

    04. Makeshift Scroll of Static Strike (Research 98)
    [_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
    [_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
    [_] Makeshift Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 83)
    ---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
    ---[_] makeshift binding solution (v3, 1silver)
    ---[_] makeshift binding powder (drop)
    ---[_] makeshift spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
    ------[x] Spell: Focus Mass Makeshift Spellcasters Essence : raw fine hide

    05. Elementary Scroll of Static Strike (Research 132)
    [_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
    [_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
    [_] Elementary Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 118)
    ---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
    ---[_] elementary binding solution (v3, 1silver)
    ---[_] elementary binding powder (drop)
    ---[_] elementary spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
    ------[x] Spell: Focus Mass Elementary Spellcasters Essence : raw supple hide

    06. Modest Scroll of Static Strike (Research 167)
    [_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
    [_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
    [_] Modest Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 152)
    ---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
    ---[_] modest binding solution (v3, 1silver)
    ---[_] modest binding powder (drop)
    ---[_] modest spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
    ------[x] Spell: Focus Mass Modest Spellcasters Essence : raw fine runic hide

    07. Simple Scroll of Static Strike (Research 207)
    [_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
    [_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
    [_] Simple Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 192)
    ---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
    ---[_] simple binding solution (v3, 1silver)
    ---[_] simple binding powder (drop)
    ---[_] simple spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
    ------[x] Spell: Focus Mass Simple Spellcasters Essence : raw fine supple runic hide

    08. Scroll of Static Strike (Research 247)
    [_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
    [_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
    [_] Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 232)
    ---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
    ---[_] binding solution (v3, 1gold)
    ---[_] binding powder (drop)
    ---[_] spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
    ------[x] Spell: Focus Mass Spellcasters Essence : dirty runic spell scroll

    09. Refined Scroll of Static Strike (Research 287)
    [_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
    [_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
    [_] Refined Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 272)
    ---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
    ---[_] refined binding solution (v3, 1gold)
    ---[_] refined binding powder (drop)
    ---[_] refined spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
    ------[x] Spell: Focus Mass Refined Spellcasters Essence : dirty runic papyrus

    10. Intricate Scroll of Static Strike (Research 327)
    [_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
    [_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
    [_] Intricate Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 312)
    ---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
    ---[_] intricate binding solution (v3, 1gold)
    ---[_] intricate binding powder (drop)
    ---[_] intricate spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
    ------[X] Spell: Focus Mass Intricate Spellcasters Essence : grimy fine vellum parchment

    11. Elaborate Scroll of Static Strike (Research 367)
    [_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
    [_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
    [_] Elaborate Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 352)
    ---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
    ---[_] elaborate binding solution (v3, 1gold)
    ---[_] elaborate binding powder (drop)
    ---[_] elaborate spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
    ------[X] Spell: Focus Mass Elaborate Spellcasters Essence : shabby runic vellum

    12. Ornate Scroll of Static Strike (Research 407)
    [_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
    [_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
    [_] Ornate Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 392)
    ---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
    ---[_] ornate binding solution (v3, 1gold)
    ---[_] ornate binding powder (drop)
    ---[_] ornate spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
    ------[_] Spell: Focus Mass Ornate Spellcasters Essence : smudged runic paper

    13. Runed Scroll of Static Strike (Research 447)
    [_] quill of the arcane (v2, 2.6plat)
    [_] ink of druzzil ro (v2, 6.9plat)
    [_] Runed Enchanted Spell Parchment (Research 432)
    ---[_] a piece of parchment (v1/3, 1gold)
    ---[_] runed binding solution (v3, 1gold)
    ---[_] runed binding powder (drop)
    ---[_] runed spellcasters empowering essence (summoned from spell below)
    ------[_] Spell: Focus Runed Spellcasters Essence : stained fine runic paper

    ==========<[ Spells Table ]>==========
    (copy/paste this table to notepad.txt file for proper formatting and printing)
    Incomplete.. will update soon
    | Lvl. | Triv. | Media Used: Cleaned Media (Raw Media + cost of solution) |
    | 51 | ??? | ??? (???) |
    | 52 | ??? | ??? (???) |
    | 53 | ??? | ??? (???) |
    | 54 | ??? | ??? (???) |
    | 55 | ??? | ??? (???) |
    | 56 | ??? | ??? (???) |
    | 57 | ??? | ??? (???) |
    | 58 | ??? | ??? (???) |
    | 59 | ??? | ??? (???) |
    | 60 | ??? | ??? (???) |
    | 61 | 231 | Parchment (used parchment + XXXp) |
    | 62 | 262 | Fine Parchment (??? + XXXp) |
    | 63 | 292 | Vellum Parchment (shabby vellum parchment + 443p) |
    | 64 | 322 | Fine Vellum Parchment (grimy fine vellum parchment + XXXp) |
    | 65 | 351 | Runic Parchment (smudged runic parchment + XXXp) |
    | 66 | ??? | ??? (???) |
    | 67 | ??? | ??? (???) |
    | 68 | ??? | ??? (???) |
    | 69 | ??? | ??? (???) |
    | 70 | ??? | ??? (???) |
    | 71 | ??? | ??? (???) |
    | 72 | ??? | ??? (???) |
    | 73 | ??? | ??? (???) |
    | 74 | ??? | ??? (???) |
    | 75 | ??? | ??? (???) |
    | 76 | ??? | ??? (???) |
    | 77 | ??? | ??? (???) |
    | 78 | ??? | ??? (???) |
    | 79 | ??? | ??? (???) |
    | 80 | ??? | ??? (???) |
    | 81 | 432 | Rough Spell Tablet (Smudged Rough Spell Tablet + 1374p) |
    | 82 | 436 | Spell Tablet (sooty spell tablet + 1437p) |
    | 83 | 440 | Fine Spell Tablet (sooty fine spell tablet + 1500p) |
    | 84 | 444 | Runic Spell Tablet (runic spell tablet solution + 1563p) |
    | 85 | 450 | Fine Runic Spell Tablet (stained fine runic spell tablet + 1626p) |
    Last edited by Corwinne; 05-16-2012, 06:21 AM.

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  • Corwinne
    11. Alchemy

    11. Alchemy

    I had an odd reason for the skill path I chose in alchemy. I wanted things to raise my throwing skill on another character and didn't have access to items that would summon throwing weapons. So I looked into making suspensions with alchemy. I hadn't meant to even work on alchemy at that time. I didn't even plan to do it this way, it just sort of happened that I noticed I could go quite a ways with skill while doing this.

    I stopped making suspensions when I hit trivial on the 7th recipe (216) as the potion vials and recipes were just getting too complicated to make after this. It had been fairly simple to get through the 7th suspension, although they were getting more complicated. The pottery subcombines were a bit annoying but never difficult. If you follow this path and can make it work it would be very advantageous to get through trivial for the 8th suspension potions. Once I reached trivial for the 7th supsension I switched back to making 1st level suspensions. You might find it interesting to know that the 1st suspension would give throwing skill all the way up to max.

    There are dozens/hundreds of ways to get your skill to the low 200's, but after this there are precious few easy ways until well over 300. I appear to be not alone in this thinking. After consulting with several other alchemists they agreed with me, and then confirmed they did exactly as I was doing at this stage. And that was to skip straight over a large range of trivials, directly to Alacrity/Clarity X (trivial 348) or clarity XI. Skill gains were painfully slow at first with lots of failures. Eventually, I hit 300 and even maxed my trophy doing this. However, I did have an advantage here with access to literally a couple or few thousand Nodding Blue Lilys. Some of these potions can be sold in the bazaar for a decent amount more than the vendor pays. But, you will have way too much of these to sell them all, and what you do get won't make you rich.

    Note: the Alacrity X potions are the best a player can make. You can make higher ranks potions of other types.

    So, I do not have other good advice on skill up paths. You really should scan theough the trivial list for alchemy to see if there is a recipe or two that will cover the middle and high 200's range. I also must admit that alchemy has been complete for some time now, so I have no idea what new skill-up recipes came with the VOA expansion. It's been a long time since I looked at anything else except what I would use for myself. I never did find a recipe that used all vendor purchased materials, but I would not be surprised to find out if one is out there somewhere.

    Alacrity X (triv: 348, Yield: 5)
    [_] Arnworth
    [_] Hemlock Powder
    [_] Nodding Blue Lily
    [_] Small Vial(5)

    Clarity X (triv: 348, Yield: 5)
    [_] Katuka Bark
    [_] Hemlock Powder
    [_] Nodding Blue Lily
    [_] Small Vial(5)

    Spirituality X (triv: 348, Yield: 5)
    [_] ???
    [_] Hemlock Powder
    [_] Nodding Blue Lily
    [_] Small Vial(5)

    Clarity XIII (Alchemy 468)
    Centella, Katuka Bark, Small Vial(5), Urticaceae

    Spirituality XIII (Alchemy 468)
    Centella, Methysticum, Small Vial(5), Urticaceae

    Basic Suspension of Toxin IV (trivial: 104, stack: 100)
    [_] 1x Belan (POK: Henrik O`Danos)
    [_] 1x Fire Spore Leaf (POK: Ludvik O`Danos)
    [_] 1x Pinch of Bulb Lotus Pollen (POK: Ludvik O`Danos)
    [_] 2x Sliver of Stinging Crystal (POK: Ludvik O`Danos)
    [_] 1x Makeshift Friable Potion Vial (trivial: 17, yield: 5)
    ---[_] 1x Quality Firing Sheet
    ---[_] 1x Unfired Makeshift Friable Potion Vial Set (trivial: 24)
    ------[_] 1x Friable Potion Vial Sketch
    ------[_] 4x Large Block of Clay

    Basic Suspension of Toxin V (trivial: 140, stack: 100)
    [_] 1x Violet Tri-Tube Sap (POK: Henrik O`Danos)
    [_] 1x Fire Spore Leaf (POK: Ludvik O`Danos)
    [_] 1x Pinch of Bulb Lotus Pollen (POK: Ludvik O`Danos)
    [_] 2x Sliver of Stinging Crystal (POK: Ludvik O`Danos)
    [_] 1x Simple Friable Potion Vial (trivial: 17, yield: 5)
    ---[_] 1x Quality Firing Sheet
    ---[_] 1x Unfired Simple Friable Potion Vial Set (trivial: 32)
    ------[_] 1x Friable Potion Vial Sketch
    ------[_] 3x Large Block of Clay
    ------[_] 1x Huge Block of Clay (Rivervale, Frankle Ironhair -251 -107)

    Basic Suspension of Toxin VI (trivial: 176, stack: 100)
    [_] 1x Blue Vervain Bulb (POK: Severg O`Danos or Henrik O`Danos)
    [_] 1x Bulb Lotus Petal (POK: Andreas O`Danos)
    [_] 1x Sprig of Fire Spore (POK: Andreas O`Danos)
    [_] 2x Shard of Stinging Crystal (POK: Andreas O`Danos)
    [_] 1x Plain Friable Potion Vial (trivial: 17, yield: 4)
    ---[_] 1x Quality Firing Sheet
    ---[_] 1x Unfired Plain Friable Potion Vial Set (trivial: 42)
    ------[_] 1x Friable Potion Vial Sketch
    ------[_] 1x Small Block of Clay
    ------[_] 1x Block of Clay
    ------[_] 5x Large Block of Clay
    ------[_] 1x Huge Block of Clay (Rivervale, Frankle Ironhair -251 -107)

    Basic Suspension of Toxin VII (trivial: 216, stack: 100)
    [_] 1x Betherium Bark (POK: Henrik O`Danos)
    [_] 1x Bulb Lotus Petal (POK: Andreas O`Danos)
    [_] 1x Sprig of Fire Spore (POK: Andreas O`Danos)
    [_] 2x Shard of Stinging Crystal (POK: Andreas O`Danos)
    [_] 1x Smooth Friable Potion Vial (trivial: 17, yield: 3)
    ---[_] 1x High Quality Firing Sheet
    ---[_] 1x Unfired Smooth Friable Potion Vial Set (trivial: 52)
    ------[_] 1x Advanced Friable Potion Vial Sketch
    ------[_] 1x Huge Block of Clay (Rivervale, Frankle Ironhair -251 -107)

    Basic Suspension of Toxin VIII (trivial: 258, stack: 100)
    [_] 1x Bugbane (POK: Henrik O`Danos)
    [_] 1x Bulb Lotus Petal (POK: Andreas O`Danos)
    [_] 1x Sprig of Fire Spore (POK: Andreas O`Danos)
    [_] 2x Shard of Stinging Crystal(2) (POK: Andreas O`Danos)
    [_] 1x Sample of Filtered Taelosian Sludge trivial: 15.No-Fail)*
    ------Sample of Taelosian Sludge
    ------*quest: Abysmal Sea, Lita Hegeway (increase yields)
    [_] 1x Fine Friable Potion Vial (trivial: 17, yield: 3)
    ---[_] 1x High Quality Firing Sheet
    ---[_] 1x Unfired Fine Friable Potion Vial Set (trivial: 63, yield: 3)
    ------[_] 1x Advanced Friable Potion Vial Sketch
    ------[_] 1x Block of Clay
    ------[_] 1x Large Block of Clay
    ------[_] 2x Huge Block of Clay
    Last edited by Corwinne; 05-31-2012, 10:43 PM.

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