Making ogre, troll and dwarven plate/chain to order. For elegant or elaborate will do combines (with fee contingent on success) or can make to order with pricing based on current bazaar pricing.
Can also make exalted augs to order, any diety.
All smiths with max Smithing AA. Trophy at 15 percent trophy on ogre and dwarf, 12 percent on troll - about 70-75 percent chance at elegant BP/legs.
Send in-game e-mail or a /tell to Garshok, my main.
Can also make exalted augs to order, any diety.
All smiths with max Smithing AA. Trophy at 15 percent trophy on ogre and dwarf, 12 percent on troll - about 70-75 percent chance at elegant BP/legs.
Send in-game e-mail or a /tell to Garshok, my main.