We here at MaelinEQ have decided on a contest. Many im sure have noticed the new Political and social forum. We have decided that this current forum name does not go along with our board theme.
So we are leaving it up to the Maelin Community to rename our forum.
All entries must stay withen the current board theme to be considered.
No profanity will be considered.
All entrys must be in before August 15th. 1200am CST
Entrys MUST be PM'd to either myself or Mirsad to be eligible. ONLY PM's will be considered as valid entrys.
You will recieve a email stating that your entry has either been accepted or denied. If your entry is denied you may enter a new one. Once Entrys have been accepted they will be moved here.
Only one entry per person will be considered as a possible winner.
Anon posters will not be permitted to compete.
You must be a member of Maelin Starpyre to be eligible for prizes.
All entries must be original ( no copying other forum names )
A poll with the three most favorable choices by Mirsad and myself will be posted. The FINAL decision however will be up to the Admin.
1st place-- 80k pp of Mirsad and Hayleey's personal stash along with a custom forum tag.
( Must be approved by Admin )
2nd place-- 50k pp
3rd place -- 25k pp
We here at MaelinEQ have decided on a contest. Many im sure have noticed the new Political and social forum. We have decided that this current forum name does not go along with our board theme.
So we are leaving it up to the Maelin Community to rename our forum.
All entries must stay withen the current board theme to be considered.
No profanity will be considered.
All entrys must be in before August 15th. 1200am CST
Entrys MUST be PM'd to either myself or Mirsad to be eligible. ONLY PM's will be considered as valid entrys.
You will recieve a email stating that your entry has either been accepted or denied. If your entry is denied you may enter a new one. Once Entrys have been accepted they will be moved here.
Only one entry per person will be considered as a possible winner.
Anon posters will not be permitted to compete.
You must be a member of Maelin Starpyre to be eligible for prizes.
All entries must be original ( no copying other forum names )
A poll with the three most favorable choices by Mirsad and myself will be posted. The FINAL decision however will be up to the Admin.
1st place-- 80k pp of Mirsad and Hayleey's personal stash along with a custom forum tag.
( Must be approved by Admin )
2nd place-- 50k pp
3rd place -- 25k pp