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Squeaky Mart

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  • GrimwoodCT
    Shoot me a tell in game mate.

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  • Sylverion
    Hello Squeaky (if you are still around), I am looking to get some gnome plate armor made for my SK Yingle. You made him some stuff about 2 years ago when elaborate was all the rage. I'm looking to get an elegant BP and maybe boots made. I've got the materials on me.

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  • GrimwoodCT
    started a topic Squeaky Mart

    Squeaky Mart

    Cazic Thule's most reliable tradeskille has expanded her repetoire of skills:

    Jewelry: 300 + 15% mod, JCM3, Salvage 3
    Making taaffeite by the backpack-full. Over 60 pieces made thus far.

    Tailoring: 300 + 12% mod, TM3, Salvage 3
    Gnomish Metalofiber Silk Amor, dyed backpacks and tailored augs made to order.

    Smithing 300 + 8% mod, BM3, Salvage 3
    Gnomish Auotactuated Plate & Servolinked Chain Armor and smithed augs made to order.

    Tinkering 238 skill, Salvage 3.
    You name it, I'll make it.

    Always buying: Taaffeite, MDS, GDH, CDD and Purescale Ore.

    The premiere producer of master's and GM augs on the server.
    1500/Master's Aug, 25k/GM aug. Fast service, fair prices,
    Last edited by GrimwoodCT; 03-16-2007, 05:34 PM.