Does anyone know or found a recipe for a new version of the Soloist Seals for cultural armor or does one not exist? ty
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New Soloist Seals?
It seems to exist, as I found a book on one of the tradeskill vendors (a cultural tinkering historian, and yes, there are two of them standing there now selling different items) beside the library that suggests there are items that can be made to add magical effects to crafted armour. The book is called The Discovery of Phantasmic Globes.
I have not yet tried the recipes, as the Shimmering Loams are still a bit high priced for me to consider buying them.
Thanks for the reply , I must have missed that book . I will have to go get one to see . was just looking to fill slots till I could get the raid drop augs for the cultural armor. If these group level augs only change the % of the Foci they will not be worth the cost to make as the Soloists are very cheap to make now that nobody wants the spongy loam . Well got that book and it has to do with the new Raid augs not group ones
The non raid books are Seal of the Soloist Dreamer - First Half and Seals of the Soloist Dreamer - Second Half and they are available on a cultural tinkering historian in PoK.Aanuvane Bristlecone - Druid - Povar via Quellious via Rodcet Nife
AKA Muertenie, Melodee, Orelinde, Nounie, Gnomess, Cininea Ashryn, Mairede or a host of additional alts. Maybe also be found on Rabon, Kynsh or Atracker.