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UF Bow Skillups

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  • Faeriena
    Nah, I skill up a lot faster now than I did in the old days. I can master smithing and tailoring and max both trophies in one day. and I do it quite often as so I can make Stalwart for all of the races.

    And to hit on something that Aldier said, I guess you just have really really bad luck. I have never gone 1000 combines or anywhere remotely close without getting a skill up. That would just be crazy. I am not just talking out of the air. I have skilled 13 Master Artisians on different servers plus maxed smithing and tailoring on 7 of my own toons. I could never imagine even going 100 combines without a skill up.

    again, it was just a very simple question that noone has answered.

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  • Gynko
    From my experiences, tradeskills have changed over the years, i think they also changed the way skill-up was working.
    back in the days, you could skill-up on any item the same way if you were close to trivial or very far from trivial.

    Nowaday, if you are too far from the trivial ( ie: you trying to make a bow marked 300 trivial while only having 50 skill.) you will get a malus on skill up the further you are from trivial.

    I am not 100% sure about this whole thing, but it looked like it when i skilled-up my last toon.

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  • Aldier
    Without knowing your exact skill, it is hard to say.

    Hundreds is also a very vague and non-descript term.

    Yes you can go hundreds, even 1000+ combines without seeing a skill up.

    If skill ups are broken, it would be on all combines of all skills on the server, not just 1 set of items.

    Petitioning is not likely to help much.

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  • Faeriena
    started a topic UF Bow Skillups

    UF Bow Skillups

    I mastered fletching years ago, the long hard way. Atm, I am maxing someone else's TS and I am stuck in fletching. I say stuck because I am making Elaborate Recurved Bow (375), Inured Recurve Bow (375) and Elegant Recurved Bow (468)
    I have made hundreds of these bows and have yet to have a single skill-up.
    What I want to know is, has anyone else attempted skilling up with these and had success?
    Are these combines bugged? I have not petitioned yet, but I am on the verge of it.