In a Hybrid Research kit ONLY (from scribing the book)
Trivial 444
Quill of the dread lord
Luclin's Ink Additive
Extending Thickener
Ink of Tunare
Ink of Pain
Rough Sortilege Sheet
NOTE: This is the same exact recipe for Blood of Ralstok - but BOTH recipes appear in the search window results in a Hybrid Research kit. I have not yet actually hit combine to see which spell is produced. If anyone has made these spells, can you confirm what it makes? I don't have a hybrid researcher with enough skill to confirm.
Trivial 444
Quill of the dread lord
Luclin's Ink Additive
Extending Thickener
Ink of Tunare
Ink of Pain
Rough Sortilege Sheet
NOTE: This is the same exact recipe for Blood of Ralstok - but BOTH recipes appear in the search window results in a Hybrid Research kit. I have not yet actually hit combine to see which spell is produced. If anyone has made these spells, can you confirm what it makes? I don't have a hybrid researcher with enough skill to confirm.