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MMC Fishing

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  • Aanuvane
    Database Updated. Thanks!

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  • Beldhyr
    started a topic MMC Fishing

    MMC Fishing

    There are 10 MMC zones. Only ONE has a place to fish: MMCA, The Forlorn Caverns.

    Besides the usual (Fresh Fish, Fish Scales, Rusty Dagger), I fished up:

    Venomous Leech
    Cave Guppy
    Slime Covered Planarian

    All three of these need Mistmoore Catacombs added to their sources.

    It would be really, really nice if you added a mention about MMCA being the only one of the 10 MMC zones with a fishing hole in the source notes, too. I spent three days exploring all 10 zones to find this fishing hole.

    There's an old report with some of this information; all of the item sources didn't get updated, though.